My Services  

Discover more about what my original music can bring to your new media production. I offer a range of professional services, including composing, orchestratng and arranging of my original compositions, mixing and producing of final studio quality recordings for score soundtrack and audiovisual productions. Please feel free to get in touch with me and I will be glad to answer any questions or offer possible assistance for your project. 

Original Compositions and Full Scores

I offer full arrangements and tailor made original scores for film, TV, games, and other multimedia productions. 


If I am composing an orchestral styled or hybrid electroacoustic score, I enjoy orchestrating my own compositions. So, when hired on a project, I can orchestrate my own music if the need exists for me to both compose and orchestrate.    

Piano Instruction 

I am a piano teacher in the greater Los Angeles area and available to teach private lessons to both kids and adults.   

Reach out on the CONTACT page if you or someone you know needs piano lessons currently. 


Studio A - Project Studio - Recording/Mixing/Producing/Remote Recording

From my project studio, I can record, mix and produce finished and professional quality audio recordings for your new media production. In addition, I have contact with professional musicians of varied backgrounds who are able to provide high quality recorded performances of my compositions remotely.  

Studio B - Full Service Studio - Recording/Mastering

In addition to my project studio, I retain the services of engineer and recording specialist J.D. Stewart. At his full service studio in So Cal, I am able to record live musicians and small ensembles needed for your project, or to sweeten existing recordings done elsewhere of my music. J.D. provides my audio mastering services as well. 


I always strive to offer the most efficient services I can on any project I am composing for. This starts immediately, on day one for me, in getting to know the unique needs required by the director and producer(s) of each project, and trying my best to interpret and implement those needs from their specific "vision" for their media project. 

Fair Prices

I have been composing and making music for many years, and I am competitive in pricing to not only give productions a good deal, but to give them the best possible deal for my time and their invested dollars in my services. 

Uniqueness and Originality

When I compose for your project, in addition to meeting your unique vision for your project, I am also looking to add my own unique aural stamp and voice in my compositions. There are many great film and score composers out there, in the past, and currently. Anyone can sound like someone else. My goal is bring my own voice to your project, not only as a composer, but as a filmmaker.  

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